animals video

Animated Animals in Videos

Everybody loves animals, animal videos, and animated animal IN videos! Right? So in honor of World Animal day, we wanted to share some pics of adorable wet-nosed / fluffy-faced creatures we've had around our office (yes, we love them so much we sometimes bring them to work), and also show... Continued

product walkthrough video Sales Funnel

Your next video? A full product walkthrough video!

A product walkthrough video is a detailed video that gives potential clients a tour of your product. It is typically longer than a traditional explainer video, e.g. it is typically 3-7 mins vs 60-90 sec for a product explainer, and it shows off your software screens or physical product's key... Continued

Frame by Frame Animation

Frame by Frame Animation in Explainer Videos

Frame by frame animation is a type of animation used to make "flow-y" types of movement (to put it not-so-technically). Ultimately, to make motion look more realistic in many cases. In frame by frame animation, the artwork is drawn individually per frame. It's also referred to as "traditional animation" or... Continued

video ownership rights

Explainer Video Ownership Rights Explained

A common question that arises in online video production is about video ownership rights. Including who owns the rights to the video. Obviously, the expected answer to that question is you. After all, you are the one paying for the work! But the question is actually a bit more complex... Continued


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