Video Ads for Youtube

Video Ads for Youtube, Facebook, Instagram

So you want to make some video ads for YouTube, Facebook, or other platforms, but you need a few ideas? In this article, we'll show a few examples and give some tips! This will help you nail your production and get more bang for your buck. Video Ads Creative Formats... Continued

Thumbnail for explainer video examples

Explainer Videos for Agencies

As an agency, video can be an important part of your marketing efforts and those of your clients. With 73% of marketers saying that video converts better than any other medium, it can be a powerful tool to get right for your clients. In our experience making explainer videos for... Continued

Fast Turnaround with piehole.tv

Explainer Videos with Fast Turnaround

We've made our share of explainer videos with fast turnaround and it can be a wild, exciting ride, that's for sure! On one hand, you have rock-solid deadlines like conference speeches and product launches. On the other hand, it's a high-stakes game where quality, timeline, and (often) cost are simultaneously... Continued

motion graphic explainer videos thumbnail

Motion Graphic Explainer Videos

Motion graphic explainer videos are videos that use moving graphics, transitions and transformations rather than animated characters to tell the story.  They're also sometimes referred to as infographic videos. Just a caveat - this isn't a technical definition - the term "motion graphics video" can mean different things to different... Continued