Healthcare is complicated. Educate your audience with video.
To improve engagement you need clarity. Our team crafts engaging, interesting videos that simplify complexity. Making video for healthcare is different. The standard for accuracy is high and many areas are regulated requiring a more flexible video production process. We’ve created a dedicated process to make this journey easy for you.
We make video for every part of your communications mix. From long-form content that educates audiences to short-form adverts that increase awareness. Below are a few types of videos you can create:
We custom-quote all our projects but a high-quality video will cost you a few thousand dollars depending on the style, sophistication and duration of the video.
Timelines are driven mainly by style and duration of the video. A 60-90 sec video done to a high standard will take 8-13 weeks typically. This assumes timely feedback from you at each step in the process. In the regulated healthcare and pharma space you should budget for additional time to get legal and other approvals.
Animated storytelling is a great way to represent your patient’s journey. Using stock footage is also possible in some cases as it’s possible to find footage of the same actor/actress in different situations. However with stock you may be constrained by the availability of the right footage and so it’s common to blend animation with stock.
If you’re in a regulated industry you know that legal approvals can often introduce complications. With video, the challenge is that script and visual changes introduced late in the process by Legal can lead to delays. Our approach is to have a more flexible storyboarding approach with earlier deliverables video-based format in order to simplify reviews for legal teams and avoid late curve-balls.
Get in touch and let’s chat about your potential needs. If your project is still in early stage consideration then we can help you create a brief or price out some work for your marketing plan.
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